We have created interactive slideshows from our mathematical fairy tales too.
Aďka Števaňáková: Barbara Animals
Andrej Grman: Fero Bobek Three little pigs
Dávid Pakos: Dog Dunco Mr. Cokamarakarasafacent
Dominika Litviaková: 3 pigs Three tasks
Dominika Bumbáková: Seven golden apples The ugly duckling
Jakub Pakos: Asterix and the olympic games Danger in space
Michal Jakubek: Shrek and Maths The Winnie the Pooh
Katka Benická: Johny Bean
Klaudia Havrilová: The Wayfarer Cinderella
Klaudia Sirotová: The three kings Proud Princess
Kristínka Hrobárová: Red Hood Three pigs
Lucka Hucíková: 7 goats Clever Lad
Mária Povalová: The three friends 3 pigs
Lucia Rusnáková: Little Red Riding Hood
Martinka Havrilová: Three mice
Matúš Kubášek: Three hollow heads A Logical Saturday
Michal Šuhaj: The Tale of the Copper Rock
Michal Šuhaj: The fairy tale about king and queen
Michal Kanik: Mr. from New York Pigs and wolf
Dalibor Djubašák: Brave Frederik
Stanislav Turošák: Brave Jacob
How grandma and grandpa pulled a beet
Red Hood
About 12 moonlets
John and Mary
Cinderella and seven dwarves
Snow White
Sad puppy
Fairy and a Boy
I will save you
Dragon´s Tasks
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